what to expect.

Sundays at 10am!

We would love to see you this VERY weekend!

Our service is encouraging, transformational, and Jesus-centered…

And it’s a GREAT place to find community!

Because, after all…

Community is our middle name!

Wanna get a sneak peek at what our church is all about before you come and check us out in person?

Worship with us online here!

what’s it like?

good music.

(Guitars, drums, and bass… We LOVE to rock out!)

heartfelt preaching.

(Encouraging, transformational, and Jesus-centered.)

just over an hour long.

(But MUCH shorter than a Hallmark movie.)

what to wear?

Whatever you want.


There’s no “insider” uniform or dress code…

just wear what makes you feel at-home.

(But if you GOTTA know, most people just wear jeans and a t-shirt… And OF COURSE we all wear our Broncos gear in the fall!)

what about kids?

we LOVE kids!

And we get it they don’t always act perfect…

but your kids are ALWAYS welcome here.

We have an AMAZING Kids’ Ministry for them on Sunday mornings (it’s safe and fun and age-appropriate)…

so just check ‘em in when you arrive!

(We’ll take good care of them… We promise!)

where do we meet?

We meet at 470 Briggs St…

Right in the HEART of downtown Erie!

And with being in right the heart of our community…

We’ve got a heart for our community!

So drop in for our service on Sundays at 10am…

We would LOVE to connect with YOU!


wanna know more about us?

That’s completely understandable!

We’ve got nothing to hide here at orchardcommunity.church, and we’re thrilled that you would even consider checking us out…

So step right in and take a look around!

You’ll see all of our beliefs on our ‘about us’ page…

But the BEST WAY to get to know us is to check us out IN-PERSON!

We’d love to get to know you, we’d love to connect with you, and we’d love to come alongside you to help you take the next step in your faith journey!

Wanna know more about orchardcommunity.church and what we believe before you check us out in person?

Find out more about us here!

let us know you’re coming!

If you let us know you’re coming, we would love to greet you by name when you first arrive at orchardcommunity.church!

(Unless you're not into that sort of thing.)

And in that case, you can just show up ‘cause EVERYONE is welcome at orchardcommuniuty.church, and you can come as you are…

But if you let us know you're coming, we'll roll out the red carpet for you!

We'll give you some schwag, we’ll answer all your questions, and we’ll make you feel right at home...

So let us know you're coming!

Just fill out the form, and we'll make sure your first time (or your first time in a long time) is AMAZING!