
Step 1: Let us know!

Have you committed your life to Jesus?


There’s a never-ending party happening RIGHT NOW up in Heaven…

And it’s ALL because of your decision!

Now, there’s also no such thing as a ‘secret’ Christian… (See Matt.10:32)

So you GOTTA tell somebody!

And we’d LOVE to celebrate with you and help take your next step

So just LET US KNOW if you’ve committed your life to Jesus!

(We can’t wait to celebrate with you!)

Step 2: Get baptized!

As we follow Jesus, the FIRST next step we all take is getting baptized.

It’s what the Church has done for the past 2000 years, it’s what Jesus told his followers to do…

And Jesus did it too. (See Matthew 3.)

So, if you’ve committed your life to Jesus, this is the VERY first next step you should take…

And we would LOVE to come alongside you as you take this next step.

All you’ve gotta do is tell us when you’d like to get baptized…

And we’ll help you take the plunge together!

The FIRST next step we all take is getting baptized. Let’s set a date to take the plunge!

Find out more here!

Step 3: Go deeper!

Becoming the person God that made you to be is a step-by-step process…

And WHEREVER you’re at in this process, we wanna come alongside you!

Now, there’s lots of next steps you can take here at our church:

Do you want to serve on a team with us?

Do you want to be a part of a group?

Do you want to officially join our church?

Do you want to know more about giving?

Do you want to connect in some other way?

Just let us know how we can come alongside you to take the next step in your faith!

We become who God made us to be when we take our next steps towards him — We just wanna come alongside you!

let’s take the next step together!